Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Blog

I have a new blog at:

This blog has been discontinued. Please refer to new blog on Monday, 19 October 2009. Thank you. Have a great day.



Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Latest Information

This blog will only be added to periodically. Instead, for writing information, please refer to three different sites:


Stacy Duplease of Stories by Stacy

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Greetings from Stories by Stacy

Hello! It's been a while. Sorry to not be here yesterday and add a posting to this blog. However, I'm here now.

I am mostly settled in my new home in Omaha. It's been fun (not sarcastically speaking, but I'm serious) setting up a new home and combining two households in one. This is the first time my husband and I've been under the same roof. Therefore, it's quite nice. I not only love my husband, but I like him. So, it's been a while in coming but here we are.

Omaha is a great deal better than I anticipated and I had positive thoughts about the place beforehand. It's pretty, green, and hilly. I love the people, the community in which I live, and so on. It's a slower pace than Denver and I definitely love that facet. It's also nice to be near more Christians and patriots. Everyone is friendly and when you let a driver over in front of you, they actually wave and say thank you.

It took us a month to get some of our furniture (and we're still waiting on the last round to come in on Friday). But, the wait was worthwhile. The house is a sacred place and quite peaceful. It's a retreat and that matters more to me than anything else.

We got a kitten named Sinan (pronouced See-naw-n) on Sunday and have been enjoying him very much. He's a huge ham. He has no fear. He's vocal, follows us around, and comes when called. He's a lover and purrs loudly. It looks like I've got a good helper.

I really have not had time to miss Denver yet and I think that's a good thing.

My dad is coming out to visit next week, so I'll be a little out of the loop again. Sorry about that.

It looks like I have four books I'm working on at the moment, as far as writing goes:
1. A book on 1 Corinthians. It's a bible study, devotional, reference, journaling type of book. It's meant to be done individually or in a group. Non-fiction.
2. A book on journaling. I actually call it journalblogging. It's a combination of journaling and blogging where you get thoughts out on paper or in a blog. It forces us to realize that we miss most of life every day because of busyness. We need to slow down and try to process what we experience, think, feel, be intentional about living, plan and seek our goals every day or we miss life. We forget what's important. Non-fiction. It can be done individually or in a group.
3. Zeagar. Fiction. Sci-fi.
4. A book about if walls could talk. It's set in the future and is going to be an epic love story about a construction worker who helped built the arch in St. Louis. The construction worker is purely fiction, but I want to do a series about 'Building America,' and how everyone has a story and these stories build America as well as the hands that build the landmarks. Fiction.

Also, I need to edit and get ready for publication:
1. Cammi's Story
2. Demarcations

How are you? What's new with you? Let me know.

Stacy Duplease of Stories by Stacy and Publishing by Stacy

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I'm Back

Greetings from Omaha.

I'm back and will start to blog again tomorrow afternoon. Thank you for your patience.

By the way, I have a new kitten. He's an orange tabby, named Sinan (pronounced: See-naw-n). Sinan is a good lion name. He acts like a lion and looks like one in a way. Sinan means spearhead. So, get ready for tales of the adventurous one.

How are you? What's new with you? Drop me a line and let me know.

Stacy Duplease of Stories by Stacy and Publishing by Stacy

Friday, June 26, 2009

See You in August

I will try to write some blog postings whenever I am able. However, plan on me taking a hiatus until August. Then, look out! I will blog daily once again.

I'm moving at the beginning of July and will take a while to set up my house. Then, I'm going to join some time off with my best friend and hubby before our lives get quite busy. Moving from Denver and going to Omaha.

I hope all is well with you. Take care.

Stacy Duplease

Thursday, June 18, 2009

If by Stacy Duplease of Stories by Stacy

If I could be half as good as a mom as I am a dog owner, I don't think I'll be half bad.

My beagle, Zack, has a very good life. I hope to offer that to my kid.

Do you have any 'IF' thoughts to share?

Stacy Duplease of Stories by Stacy and Publishing by Stacy

Monday, June 15, 2009

Fathers and Parenting

With Father's Day coming up and all, I want to start to think about Dad's and parenting. Where would we moms be without our husbands in parenting? Where would we be personally without our own fathers?

For those who are single moms, or whose dads and no longer in the picture, we do have a husband and a father--in heaven. He can be our all and the all for our children.

So, I ask the question again. Where would we be without the fathers and father figures in our lives personally and where would our children be without them?

What are your thoughts? Let me know.

How can we encourage the fathers in our lives? How can we show them we know how blessed we are because of them?

What can we teach our children about fathers?

Stacy Duplease of Stories by Stacy